Friday, 18 March 2011

living in a Wardli

10 Highs and 10 Chaleenges we face while living in the Wardli...

  • Living in our houses
  • Making our own food
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Just relaxing in our own spaces
  • Being given more responsibilities around the house
  • Sleeping in comfortable beds
  • Having warm Showers
  • living with your friends
  • Organising your house
  • Eating your own food
  • Time management
  • Getting fed up with some members of the wardli
  • Having to do someone Else's chores 
  • Keeping everything clean
  • trying to figure out what we need to put out ready to cook for the following day
  • sweeping the floor
  • keeping the Wardli organised and clean
  • having to clean up after every meal and make sure everything clean and tidy
  • Having to use someone Else's idea when you believe it isn't the right idea
  • putting up with difficult individuals
Sharing a Wardli

Session 1

1- I believe some of my strength in the Wardli is that I'm able to compromise and help others. I believe when things need to be done I do them. I also believe that at times I am a bit of a leader by lead in by example. I believe that some of the things I could work on is to stop nagging people do things and just let them do things without me having to tell them to do their job.

2- Some issues that have occurred in our Wardli is a certain individual in our Wardli being extremely lazy and not sharing the load of all the jobs that need to be done while only thinking about himself. This effected all members of the Wardli as without him really effected our Wardlis time management. This was very frustrating as we felt like he didn't really care.

3- Living in the Wardli really makes you start to appreciate what your parents do at home. You also start to feel what its like for them dealing with us, as we are like the lazy people inside the Wardli. now we know how frustrated they must feel having to nag us to try to help them out occasionaly.
Session 2

1- what is a functional housemate?
  • Agrees with all members of the Wardli and always does what hes told. This sort of person is very important in the living style of the Wardli as it saves arguments from going on and is very efficient in getting the job done.
  • Hard working A hard working person in your wardli is someone who does his job to the best of his ability and makes sure it done
  • A leader. A leader is very important in the success of a Wardli. He doesn't nag or doesn't tell people to do things he just makes sure everyones organised and helping out while leading by example and doing the job him self.
  • A compromising person. Having people in your Wardli who are able to compromise on things is very important as it stops fights and makes sure everything done fairly.
  • A supporter. A supporter is someone who just does what hes told. Having supporters in your Wardli can be very very useful as supporters just do their job with no arguments.
The most functional person in my Wardli leads by example and makes sure every thing is done on time. He may seem Nagy at times but in the end everyone is. As a leader he is very organised and also thinks about the well being of the other members in his Wardli. He is also very fair and makes sure everyone has an equal say in everything and makes sure every ones chores are shared around fairly.

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